FSCP Coordinators
- vanguardfscp@gmail.com - please include the name of your contact person in the subject line
- Lori Parker
- Kim Pasillas
- Wendy Chadwick
Friday, May 22, 2009
World's Largest Duck Duck Goose contest!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thank you!!!!
Next year
Over the summer 2009
2008-2009 Accomplishments
a. School Fundraisers up and running: Box tops, Campbells Soup Labels, &
Gold C Books
b. Scrip Sales – buy your gift cards from Vanguard!
c. Bake Sale – yum! Lots of folks donated and purchased items.
d. Spirit Wear – (uniforms with Vanguard logo) organized, collected and
e. Teacher Appreciation Events – 2 teacher brunches for training and 1 for
Teacher’s Day; collected and displayed apples complimenting teachers,
Valentine candy
f. Teacher Wish Lists - donations made to classrooms of small items requested
by teachers.
g. CiCi’s Pizza Night – established for last Friday of every month and it’s
h. Greek and Roman Festival – family event raising money to purchase “Sam”
the skeleton.
i. Uniforms and winter coats collected for upcoming sale/exchange.
j. Skate City Night – enjoyed by many. Remember you can still purchase
Skate City passes at the front desk.
Passes are $3/child. Skating then only costs $1 all summer long.
k. Azteca Receipts collected.
l. Tamale Sale – huge success! We could have sold double the amount.
Meeting notes March 3, 2009
Family School Community Partnership
Meeting Notes March 3, 2009
1. FSCP Mission Statement is to support the school by working in partnership with
teachers and administrator and
by facilitating a positive exchange of ideas about how to best serve our students.
2. Updates on Old Business:
a. “Night on the Western Front” has been moved to May 1. This will be a fun family affair
after school. Volunteers are still needed for the day of the event to run booths.
b. Spirit Wear saw a huge response, has been ordered, and should be received in
within two weeks.
c. Mascot idea submissions have been collected and under review.
d. Uniforms and winter coats are being collected for our sale/exchange at the end of the
school year.
e. An end of year picnic is still being considered. We are seeking 20-30 volunteers for this
3. New Business:
a. Azteca, Ranch Market, on Colfax and Moline, is running a fundraiser through the end
of March. Families can shop at Azteca and turn in receipts to teachers to help earn money
for VCS.
b. Tamale Tuesday—We will be selling homemade tamales in April as a
fundraiser. Look for upcoming fliers and order forms.
c. Skate City Night—Scheduled for Thursday April 9 from 6-8 p.m. at the Aurora
Skate City near Hampden and Chambers (behind Aurora School of Gymnastics)
d. Scrip contest—FSCP will run a contest from March 16 until the end of April. The
class that purchases the most scrip during that time will win a pizza party. See front
office to purchase your scrip cards for all your
shopping needs!
4. Coordinator Contacts:
Please contact the appropriate coordinator if you are interested in helping or have questions
about a particular event.
a.Class Parents 09/10 and Welcome Team: Jacqueline Ta jmta90@hotmail.com
b.Summer grade level get-togethers: Gena Hepworth t.hepworth@comcast.net
c.Spirit Wear, Mascot, End of Year Picnic: Jamie Kelly vanguardfscp@gmail.com
Kim Pasillas vanguardfscp@gmail.com
d.Frontier Days and Tamale Tuesday: Lori Parker vanguardfscp@gmail.com
e.Uniforms (donations/sale/exchange): Jennifer Niblo nibs.70@netzero.net
Melanie Porter esean@comcast.net
5. Other News:
a. Class Needs—third grade needed sheet protectors—thank you to Melanie
Porter who donated those!
b. The school is looking for a college-level telescope—if you have one
to donate or know someone who can donate
this item, please contact the office at 303.691.2384.
c. Super Sam the Skeleton has arrived! He is human skeleton used at the
college level, and he has been purchased
with funds raised by the FSCP for all the students at Vanguard! Stop by and see
him in Mr. Miller’s office.
Thanks everyone for your participation in the fundraising events!
Asociación de Padres de la Escuela Vanguard
Noticias de la Reunion el 3, de Marzo, 2009
1. La meta de la Asociación de Padres es para asiocarse con la escuela en trabajar
juntos con los maestros y la adminstracion, y en facilitar discuciones positivas en como
servir los estudiantes en las mejores maneras.
2. El Negocio Viejo:
a. “La Noche del Viejo Oeste” será el Viernes, el 1 de Mayo. Será una noche para
divertirse toda la familia. Todavía necesitamos gente para ayudar con las actividades
de la noche y para contibuir chile para comer.
b. Mucha gente ordenaron las camisas de la escuela y las veremos dentro de una semana
c. La administración de la escuela esta revisando los ideas para la mascota .
d. Estamos collectando uniformes y abrigos para la venta en el fin del año.
e. Estamos considerando un picnic para el final día del año. Necesitaremos como 20-30
voluntarios para este evento.
3. Negocio Nuevo:
a. Azteca, Ranch Market, por Colfax and Moline, ayudará nuestra escuela con un
porciento de sus compras,
pagado a la escuela directamente. Por favor de entregar todos sus recibos, en
el mes de Marzo, a la escuela.
b. Tamales para ordenar—Vendemos tamales en Abril. Busca información y formas
para ordenar.
c. Una Noche por Skate City —Será un Jueves, el 9 de Abril, de las 6 a las 8 de la noche.
Skate City queda cerca de Hampden and Chambers (atrás de Aurora School of Gymnastics).
d. Premio para “Scrip”— “Scrip” es otra manera de ayuday la escuela. “Scrip”
consiste de tarjetas que gasten lo
mismo como dinero. Compra sus tarjetas para qualquier tienda por la oficina.
e. Durante el 16 de Marzo y el fin de Abril, la clase que compra mas de “Scrip” ganarán una
fiesta con pizza!
4. Contactos:
Por favor de communicarse con esta gente si esta interesado en ayudar o si tiene
Lori Parker (303-338-5031) habla español, y puede dirigirse.
a.Padres para las clases: Jacqueline Ta jmta90@hotmail.com
b.Fiestas para cada grado durante el verano: Gena Hepworth t.hepworth@comcast.net
c.Camisas, Mascota, y Picnic: Jamie Kelly vanguardfscp@gmail.com
Kim Pasillas vanguardfscp@gmail.com
d.Noche del Viejo Oeste y Tamales: Lori Parker vanguardfscp@gmail.com
e.Uniformes (donaciones/venta): Jennifer Niblo nibs.70@netzero.net
Melanie Porter esean@comcast.net
5. Otras Noticias:
a. La escuela busca un telescopio bueno – uno que usan en las universidades.
Si conoce a alguien que quiere
donar uno a la escuela, por favor de llamar la oficina (303.691.2384).
b. La escuela ha comprado un esqueleto. Se llama “Super Sam!” El esqueleto
fue comprado con el dinero
ganado por La Asocision de Padres. Si quiere conocer a Sam, pase por la oficina del
Sr. Miller. Muchas gracias a todos por su participación en los effertos para ganar
dinero para la escuela.